Hyundai Commercial Song 2018 Can You Do That Thing Again

Artist, Blogger, Freelance writer. Trained in the medical field.

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Oh No! Not That Commercial Once more!

I beg pardon in advance if I offend any devoted fans of the following obnoxious commercials. I understand that nosotros all have various tastes in entertainment, and that fabric that makes one person laugh will make some other person throw the Goggle box out of the window.

Television commercials are i of those inconveniences in our lives that nosotros take become and so accustomed to, we fifty-fifty start liking some of them. I know I do. I have some favorites that make me grin.

Sometimes I smiling for the first 7 million times I run into them! Once you start hitting that 7.5 million marker though, fifty-fifty the most knee-slapping commercial can brand your ears bleed.

Then at that place are the stupid commercials that make you desire to scream the first time you hear them. Sometimes they are and so bad we can't fifty-fifty protestation considering our jaws accept hitting the dirt. These commercials are the almost obnoxious, boring, appalling, creepy, or merely plainly...weird examples of advertizement to hit the market.

Every year, it seems like the company big-wigs have sat around and had a competition to meet who could create something fifty-fifty worse than the year before. Mayhap they get a bigger bonus if their advertizing makes you shoot yourself!

Join me as I explore some of 2012's most annoying commercials. The bad, the ugly, and the downright scary!

The Hopper

The "Hopp-ah" is some newfangled feature offered by Dish TV. I am not really sure what it does, because the ad is and so abrasive I exit the room or turn off the boob tube. (That's great for their marketing huh?) All I know is that it has a bunch of people shouting out "The Hopper!" from different rooms of the house.

There are a couple of other commercials most the same product, including 1 where the same people shout out "Dirty Con!" The effect is but as obnoxious and has actually made me consider irresolute cable providers. Too bad the competition's ads are simply as horrific.

Underlying Message: Families! Don't sit in the same room! You can now yell from whatever room in the house! Dang! And I thought that technology had been available since the cavemen first had teenagers!


Some of their ads aren't besides bad. I don't mind their recent commercials where the woman (haha, its e'er a woman, isn't it?) declares that she is "Done!" with her household chores sooner than expected, and that she is at present going to do something enjoyable.

It IS a little abrasive that while she is doing all of this work, in what looks similar an already impeccable house, various members of the family unit are lounging about the house--not helping.

Still though, they are a massive improvement over the last set of commercials where people pretended to exist Dust, Mud, Dirt, etc. and fell in "love" with the Swiffer product. Each with its ain very corny tagline.

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Maybe my imagination is a trivial too active, merely I don't like the idea of my dirt being alive. If those particles of dust and mud are alive, and so they are probably spying on me. Since this advertizement came out, I e'er stomp on my clay, mud and dust bunnies before cleaning, just to make certain.

Underlying Message in all Swiffer ads: Mom finally has time to accept a bath for the get-go time in twelve years now that Swiffer is around!


Okay. I accept never been to an Ikea store. It just isn't my way. And their ads are a little off-putting. I thought the commercials where the husbands and wives "negotiated" over dwelling renovations were pretty bad.

I couldn't see much difference in all the choices they showed. They only looked similar different arrangements for the same items. I utilise that trick all the fourth dimension to make it await to my hubby like I have cleaned the house.

At present they have a NEW commercial! This ane shows a Mom putting her son, "Leo," in time-out. In the kitchen. (with a tricycle! Wow, we never had fourth dimension-outs similar that when I was growing up!) Little Leo then proceeds to trash the kitchen after Mom disappears.

The underlying message here is: "Don't teach your child to respect things, but buy stuff that will survive the trivial brat." It's perfectly okay that he kicks all the doors and drawers, rams his trike into things, and harasses the family domestic dog with the water sprayer because this kitchen is built to withstand toddlers!

Maybe Ikea ought to sell baby cages that lucifer the kitchen décor. Or possibly Mom shouldn't get out Leo in fourth dimension-out for so long. From the looks of the advertisement, she vanishes for near two hours. Plenty of time for the fiddling rapscallion to have destroyed fifty-fifty an Ikea kitchen at the rate he was working. I guess she used that fourth dimension to have the bath that Swiffer earned her!

Totino's "We Are Dyyyyiiiiing"

Here we see what Leo from the above ad is possibly going to be like as a young teen. In this commercial Mom is called on her phone while out doing her errands, and her kids swear they are starving.

This is amazing because they are one-time enough to be dwelling house alone, only can't observe a box of Totino'southward pizza rolls sitting correct in forepart of them. Now, if they aren't bright enough to see the brightly colored box in the otherwise empty freezer...are they really to be trusted to cook these snacks in the microwave?

On a similar note, I actually dislike how commercials such as this i, Sunny D, Tyson Chicken, etc. always show Mom out working her ass off, (ordinarily ownership more than groceries) and all the nutrient being eaten up by neighborhood kids, who never bother to help her deport the numberless in from the car. They but run through the kitchen and inquire her to hand her something out of the fridge or grab it off the counters as they run through.

I think we are deep plenty in the 21st century to depose the Stepford Mom from her role in commercials. Let's encounter a real mom telling her kids that if they can't find the pizza rolls, then they aren't hungry enough to eat earlier dinner.

Skittles--Gustation The Rainbow

Taste The Rainbow. I'1000 never sure what exactly is going on in these commercials. They are a little trippy and always exit me feeling like I've had a dose of Nyquil.

I was doing a pretty good job of ignoring them. Correct up until they started ambulation the i where the woman is swapping spit with the enormous...walrus? I accept watched every gross-out horror movie ever made, and never gagged like I did the first time I saw this.

Any commercial that makes me want to lose my tiffin is not going to put me in the mood to run out and buy candy. In fact, I get a fiddling queasy just seeing a pocketbook of Skittles. Not that I have annihilation against walruses, it'south merely that this item 1 looks a chip fishy to me. I think he could do good from one of those outrageous Axe Deodorant commercials!

Underlying Message: Skittles must comprise some sort of psychedelic drug that makes yous do weird things. If you are a walrus, it may make you osculation foreign women. Now we know the real reason Skittles vodka drinks have become so popular at parties!


Not all Sonic commercials are abrasive. Only the ones with the two guys sitting in the car. Personally, I find these dudes a tad creepy. They are ever in the car outside of Sonic, which suggests stalker tendencies. Mayhap they are setting a new trend in food stalking.

Not only are they creepy, they are losers. These are grown men with naught ameliorate to do than sit in a car and play with their food while bandying nigh such topics as "Gustation Bros" and "Funky Fresh." Not only does the dialog leave a lot to be desired, it sometimes completely forgets to really promote the product. Therefore, it is difficult to pick just one of these ads as the very worst. They are all pretty much as atrocious.

Underlying Message: Wives, do you lot really know your husbands? Are they really working late? Or are they parked in a car somewhere with another guy having conversations with tater tots?


The cartoony bears, to me, are both abrasive and a piddling vulgar. I believe that bathroom business belongs in the bathroom, and when I was growing upward our parents kept pottying every bit discreet as possible. We certainly didn't have "inspections" to meet if any toilet newspaper particles had adhered to the skin.

It sounds a fleck pervy to me to recollect that there might be people, not merely drawing bears, lingering outside of the bathroom while their kids are using the toilet, asking them questions about what they are doing and how much they are using.

In fact, nearly toilet paper commercials are a flake weird. We take 1 brand where a mom hugs her child considering of toilet newspaper. Others where women are discussing the most graphic purpose of toilet paper, and of course standing exterior of bathroom doors like toilet newspaper police force, making sure no one uses besides much .

And allow's not forget that 1 a couple of years ago where the parents packed Scott toilet paper for the daughter as she left for college! Because naturally, her bathroom habits were the meridian priority equally she fix off to receive her education. That poor girl was probably glad to get away from the routine inspections.

Underlying Bulletin: Toilet paper is then vital and then valuable that its apply has to be monitored constantly. And information technology should be potent enough to employ as a hammock...which makes me wonder what people are actually doing with this stuff!

Colonial Penn Life Insurance

Lets face information technology, all insurance commercials are slightly annoying. Colonial Penn ads are, for the bulk, just boring. But there is i that really bugs me. It shows ii women meeting at a mailbox, and i asks the other how she is holding upward since her mother died.

The "grieving" woman says, nigh too nonchalantly, that it was hard, just she was okay. So she takes a letter out of the mailbox and happily exclaims "Wow, that was fast!"

If you lot aren't watching the television at the time, it sounds like the other woman says this, in response to the daughter existence over Mom's demise so chop-chop. In fact, it is the daughter herself, happy to receive a check from Colonial Penn to encompass the funeral expenses. She so goes on to start trying to sell her neighbor on how wonderful the visitor is.

I'm non sure why this i bothers me...maybe its the carefree mode the woman replies, maybe the overall cheesiness of the commercial. Something merely isn't right in suburbia.

Underlying Bulletin: As long as in that location is a cheque involved, its all good.


I'm not ashamed to acknowledge it. I honey McDonalds. In fact, it is one of my favorite fast food spots. I liked information technology a lot MORE when it was cherry-red and yellow and had all the fun characters. At present that McDonald'south is trying to exist a chic coffee business firm, it is a piffling bit boring. I don't like coffee, I like coke, fries, and chicken sandwiches. Oh, and the Hamburglar. I miss that guy!

That beingness said, the commercials for the McDonald'south dollar menu are particularly irritating. And sometimes a trivial sexist. "Wow, I'm smart enough to lodge a cheap hamburger, therefore, it is perfectly okay for me to lie to this woman."

Underlying Message: If you are smart enough to society the cheapest thing on the carte du jour, you lot might be able to convince a woman that you speak French. For well-nigh...ten seconds.

Yet another disturbing commercial. This time potential car buyers have wee heads that pop out of their other body parts, like something from Men In Black. So they sing. What is even scarier? No one seems to discover the alien-like protrusions. The salespeople are just so happy to be making a sale.

Whereas all of these are pretty appalling, the one with the woman is the worst. A lilliputian version of her confront pops out of her bouffant hairdo and starts singing a actually bad pop vocal about how confident she is. Is information technology fifty-fifty legal to sell a car to a two-headed driver? Does the miniature head have to take a license too?

Underlying Message: You have a singing 2nd head? Whatever. Hey, as long as there is a cheque involved, it's all good.

Honorable Mentions

Even though insurance, drug, and car commercials are all highly annoying, I did notice that more than and more, it is food advertisements that actually suck.

Hither are some that the earth could do without:

  • Beggin' Strips--I love you lot, I love bacon, I dearest yous. I love bacon. I hate this dog.
  • Progresso Soup--Canned humour.
  • Hershey's Air Delights--Oh look. A candy bar that tastes just similar last twelvemonth'southward leftover Halloween chocolates! We are supposed to be so thrilled they pumped our chocolate full of air!
  • Real California Dairy--What can I say? The cow is just...light-headed.
  • Activia--Some people eat yogurt because they like the taste. Notwithstanding at present, buying yogurt is almost the aforementioned every bit buying Ex-lax. Embarrassing. " Oh! Look who's irregular today!"
  • Cobweb One--All of them. It's health food. And it tastes like it.
  • Blue Dogfood, and other brands--At the risk of making a lot of animate being lovers angry, I am going to indicate out a logical fact. Dogs really don't care how many organic fruits and anti-oxidants are in their chow. That is for the owner's benefit. Want to brand the canis familiaris happy? Make the kibbles taste like anything disgusting.

A few more random gag-worthy commercials:

  • La-Z-Boy--commercial with Brook Shields. " Shuuuut uuup?"
  • Little Caesars--Woo, Dachsund.
  • Subway-Footling Kid voices
  • Geico Pig--WHEEEEE! I thought this 1 had vanished. Every time information technology plays, I want to call Jimmy Dean and tell them where they can notice their next sausage.
  • Travel Ads--I know a lot of people who struggle to buy groceries some weeks. But I sure am glad that the person on the commercial was able to take two or 3 vacations thanks to inexpensive hotel rates!
  • Vonage--We aaalll packet. Okay, I become this was meant to be creepy, Mission accomplished. Back to Stepford...where we all use the same phone program, all the moms utilise Swiffer's, and Ann is cool that her mom died because she got the check-in time!

How Do These Compare to Today's Annoying Commercials?

Commercials play an important office in guild, and even though they are irksome at times, they still sell products. Just non to me! I know I have overlooked several potential winners, such as commercials for prescription medications, dating sites, house-concord cleaners, automobile ads, restaurants, and technology.

I'yard sure yous all take your personal best of the worst list also. Delight feel complimentary to add, subtract, flame and applaud the choices presented hither, and tell me your to the lowest degree favorite commercials. Maybe if we all raise up in protest and hold on at least one commercial, we tin can send it to Davy Jone'south locker forever!

Debby Thomas on August 08, 2020:

...cant stand that EMU and his handler...i mute or channel surf everytime it comes on.

I absolutely Love Cheryl's she-shed...i wish they bring information technology back...with a she-she'r version...Cheryl deserves to be happy!!

Jennifer Evans on February 20, 2020:

There are three I cannot stand. The Liberty one with the emu, Progressive and American Freight. Who wants to buy something after some guy screams the deals? Not me.

Ian Stuart Robertson from London England on Feb 17, 2020:

How cartel Kentucky Fried Chicken sponsor English language cricket ! They can't even speak the 'Queen's English' properly !

jackie on February 16, 2020:

car insurance ads are fearfully stupid. they are not funny or clever.

they have goose egg to do with product. is this what marketing has sunk to?

Ian Stuart Robertson from London England on January 20, 2020:

Any commercial relating to modernistic engineering science where information technology's operator happens to be a male, makes him out to be either a 'know it all' egotist or a dull simpleton.

Michael Mangum on January 16, 2020:

That abrasive Pelaton exercise commercial seems to be aired two-3 times every hour on numerous channels! Included at the beginning is a new rendition of an old '60s vocal, "Ready Or Non. Hither I Come", originally done past The Delfonics has been totally wrecked! I cringe and dust my teeth whenever I hear a few confined of this new version of it in this totally inane commercial!

Ian Stuart Robertson from London England on January xvi, 2020:

SWIMWEAR are treating Women as sexual activity objects !

Ian Stuart Robertson from London England on January 15, 2020:

An advertising for some insurance company uses the scenario of a 'clueless' driver being exorted past his automobile (in a feminine voice) who to insure with ! As if the automobile knows a lot more than the commuter does !

Ian Stuart Robertson from London England on January 06, 2020:

Muck Donalds are touting the chicken nugget as a specialty. Any one who knows how they are made would not swallow it, in a fit !

Cross on January 03, 2020:

Peledon makes mepuke.what the hell is that guy singing

When it comes on i click off

Ian Stuart Robertson from London England on December 30, 2019:

That latest ad for candy crush features immature adults on a 'wrecking spree' in a large city. Such a fine example for young people !

B McL on December 27, 2019:

Other stupid & Icky commercials...

NAVAGE nose cleaner!? WHAT?

Isn't that what Kleenex tissue is for?

I don't care how good it makes a nose feel! It's disgusting, especially when networks bear witness it during meal times!

I don't remember the name of the medication, simply information technology was to treat toenail fungus! The commercial shows disgusting shots of infected toenails. At the end of the commercial, there's this one-time white haired guy at a beach jumping in the air! Don't go in the water with THOSE disgusting anxiety old human being!

Yet another stupid commercial, is Mucinex & their talking Mucus. The latest is a cute stewardess talking with Mr. Mucus & using her hip, pushes it into the airplane commode and flushes it. Hopefully it'll STAY THERE!

As I come across more of these, I'll mail service it hither.

Ian Stuart Robertson from London England on December 17, 2019:

MacDonalds are portraying Women as sex activity objects to promote their insipid burgers.

B McL on December 15, 2019:

I've got a huge list of insulting commercials! Some are Pharma based, some are breakfast cereals, some insurance.

Pharma based...

It's no wonder drug prices are and then high. They annunciate mostly during prime number time. If they stopped, drug prices could drop significantly.

Hither'due south a few commercials that "Grinds my Gears"...

Myrbetriq...No thing where the woman is, in that location's a bladder west/large stupid optics (made to wait cute) leading her to the bath!?

WHY practise the writers of these resort to a 'cutified' bladder w/big optics? Are they trying to appeal to children? Do they produce these stupidass commercials, to appeal to mental midget adults?

Why exercise these mental moron producers resort to cartoon characters to sell a production?

Peyronies Illness...(OMG!?)

There's one commercial showing "What do I do", while the poor guys are holding a kleptomaniacal cucumber or other veg that's not straight? hahahaha...

Is this REALLY a disease??? And someone had the gall to create a drug for this? How nigh the children that run into this sort of commercial and google it? What do they see online? Type it in and come across the phallic symbols online! How STUPID & IRRESPONSIBLE of some dumbass to produce such a dumb commercial!? I got a 'solution' and it doesn't crave a drug...PLAY WITH Information technology!!!

Liberty Insurance...

I cannot see how 'Doug & an Emu' has Anything to do with car insurance? Did a rep from this company think that this was FUNNY? I think it's STUPID and I'll go every bit far as maxim that there could be "Brute Cruelty" implications here! The ad that shows the emu attacking his own reflection, shows this, when he lunges toward the drinking glass. Luckily, the drinking glass didn't break! There were people within as this was happening besides! The commercial, in general is downright stupid.


As a kid, I remember Toucan Sam, Tony the Tiger, The Cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs bird, etc...

But, talking Mini Wheats? That crosses the line! Cereals don't talk! Nosotros Consume them! I don't hear them screaming when I seize with teeth downwards on them! No wonder kids are confused!

These are only a few.

Ian Stuart Robertson from London England on Dec 12, 2019:

Amazon are touting their warehousing and distribution equally a 'worker's paradise' !

Ian Stuart Robertson from London England on Dec 11, 2019:

In our town, a person or persons unknown has climbed the Thou.F.C. sign to shave Colonel Sander's whiskers. He is not very amused !

Ian Stuart Robertson from London England on December 09, 2019:

I've seen for the offset time some one advertising Male person erectile syndrome. They are using a numb stooge that no woman in her correct heed would show any interest in !

Ian Stuart Robertson from London England on November 26, 2019:

I recall a time when the 'adds' were at best witty, at worst drole. Showing my historic period , aren't I ?

Pat on Nov 25, 2019:

The worst past far is the stupid Liberty Mutual with that jerk and the emu. What the hell is wrong with those people that they would run such drivel?

Gadfly from Olde London Towne on November 01, 2019:

Does it really take any bearing on the product because of where the produce is sourced ?

Ian Stuart Robertson from London England on October 31, 2019:

Kentucky Fried chicken tout their produce here in London as 100% British. Whilst the Republic of Republic of ireland (where some is derived) is not part of Britain, information technology is nevertheless regarded geographicly as the 'British Isles' rendering K.F.C'south claim misleading.

Helene Houle on October 30, 2019:

My least favorite Television set commercial is National Floors Direct. Very suggestive fake smile accompanied by the saying « Fourth dimension to make your floors bang-up again «  sounds besides annoyingly alike the all as well familiar presidential campaign slogan.

Ian Stuart Robertson from London England on September ten, 2019:

Why is information technology whenever a new gaming device or computer app comes out ? They need to focus on a 'clueless' stooge to take it explained to by some genius and after much 'how-do-you-do jinx' all concerned are elated about information technology !

Dave on September 09, 2019:

My nearly annoying commercial are the ones with the ring singing about free credit

Ian Stuart Robertson from London England on September 02, 2019:

Information technology has me baffled there are so many channels running practically non cease tele sales commercials continuously. So I switch them off. These companies are treating the viewing public as fools for such repetitiveness.

Diana on Baronial 31, 2019:

I can tolerate commercials, but if I am watching something I am able to, I always ff through them....some commercials that badger the hell out of me is 1) ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING with "Flo"...plenty of her already!

2) ALL the commercials on Own

3) I DO want to THROW something at my Television receiver any time one of the HARIBO commercials come on.....grown people talking like a bunch of silly sounding kids, is and so NOT entertaining.

4) The Ostrich! At first information technology MIGHT have given a (tiny) chuckle, but it has go nothing But abrasive!!! I am sure I just deceit think of them all right now, most folks have already said the ones that irritate me (AND I agree with the poster about Progressive, I have never nor volition I ever call them for Any quote...all considering of Flo! I recall ALL Progressive commercials are my all time number one WORST and Virtually Abrasive!!

Ian Stuart Robertson from London England on August xv, 2019:

The Advertising Standards Authority has banned from airing two commercials that portray Women as sedentary or in domestic roles whilst males are adventurous or heroic.

JC on August 02, 2019:

Liberty Mutual is courting the 65-85 IQ range. Tin can yous even get a license with an IQ of 65?

mmeo on July 27, 2019:

senior life worst commercial abrasive would never use this compAny never

Jack on July 12, 2019:

All Geico and injury lawyer ads get muted in our firm

Na me on June 13, 2019:

Alcohol commercials are some of the worst.

Family Commercials on May 13, 2019:

So very truthful come up to think of it.

Ian Stuart Robertson from London England on May thirteen, 2019:

Have you noticed how impuissant and sloppy those family oriented commercials are portrayed ?

Family Commercials on May 12, 2019:

Sick and tired of seeing and then many family commercials on TV as it is, especially when there are so many of us single people nowadays that aren't even married with a family at all to begin with. That really adds insult to injury for many of united states of america that never wanted to be single in the get-go place since they really do cater to families a lot more than than us unmarried people which is very unfair.

Limpet. on April 01, 2019:

Those telesales channels on T.V. taking people for granted and as well the products advertised, mere gimmicks !

Elle on March 31, 2019:

The "Wow" song by Zara Larsson in the new Citi Enchantment ad - the ad itself is good, but I'one thousand and so sick of not-talent, repetitive songs similar this. Likewise the ane that leads into a vacation advertising (Sandals?) saying "My generation...", sounding similar she's mad at someone, I recall she's singing something about good times. It'south not good times hearing it. And it'due south as well not a vocal - I have to listen to the "oldies" station to find a real song these days.

Dan Bloodsworth on March 21, 2019:

The "My Pillow" Commercial. I can't change the aqueduct fast enough!

The worst on February 28, 2019:

Progressive insurance , Flo,her sister (supposedly). Id never let my sister in my house holding a lap elevation and wearing her work wearing apparel

Victor Doyno on January 28, 2019:

The vaping commercial that has the puppets. "Vaping is safer than *boat horn". I literally run to change the aqueduct when I hear it. And the new one with the bears that say "hyeeeee, and byeeeee, over and over once again.

Ian Stuart Robertson from London England on Jan 19, 2019:

Information technology is called 'globalisation' of integrated communities.

Knarf the hermit. on January 17, 2019:

I like it McDonalds are refused planning application fot a new outlet.

Ian Stuart Robertson from London England on Jan sixteen, 2019:

Information technology seems the motorcar manufacturers are in league with the mainstream press to proper noun the colour, make and type whatever time their vehicle involved in a collision, crime scene or owned by some celebrity (even giving the automobile's cash value). This is totaly irrelevant to the news item.

Eric S on Jan 15, 2019:

Omg i tin can't stop laughing near the mother shopping for all the neighborhood kids

Ian Stuart Robertson from London England on December 31, 2018:

Some countries where the Governments have a dedicated television channel, they don't advertise considering they are approaching from other sources, for example; a television licence or funding from the Arts council. I vividly recall when television start arrived on the scene the commercial channels had four station breaks an hour and the 'adds' were just every bit entertaining as the programms. Now they even have the atmospheric condition reports sponsored past some airline and sporting events festooned with corporate logo's.

not necessary on Dec 29, 2018:

i really dont have a problem with the commercials you post

everyone has their own buttons i approximate

Ian Stuart Robertson from London England on October 26, 2018:

Telesales. Networks are taking us for fools !

Ian Stuart Robertson from London England on Oct 23, 2018:

Women making fools of men.

Ian Stuart Robertson from London England on Oct 16, 2018:


William Zitsch on September 03, 2018:

"That's not my Buick, how could that not be the most abrasive commercial?

My pillow on August 27, 2018:

The most annoying, I change the station when it comes on

Cal on August 12, 2018:

The new Shoppers Drug Mart commercial Assuming has the ugliest people in the globe with the worst makeup combinations always.

SDG on August 08, 2018:

Wayfair commercial make dog cry.

Ian Stuart Robertson from London England on Baronial 08, 2018:

CORRECTION; For brand new world read Dauntless New World.

Ian Stuart Robertson from London England on Baronial 08, 2018:

Aldous Huxley wrote about this mindless drivel (propaganda) in his novel

Make new world.

Linda on Baronial 05, 2018:

Lamentable to say I refuse to even call Progressive for a quote because of their commercials. Those commercials are so idiotic and and so frequent; it gives me a very bad opinion of a company that would deliberately try to annoy potential customers into remembering them. I am so bellyaching by them that I recall that!

Seriously dislike Mike & My Pillow for the insane number of times in any given solar day that I have to run into and hear from him. Won't always buy his pillows either.

I take decided not to reward companies that constantly invade my fourth dimension to relax with tension building annoyance.

Limpet. on July xxx, 2018:

Lets boycott their products. That volition show them to be more original !

Ian Stuart Robertson from London England on July 28, 2018:

Seen today on T.Five. At a party a man is offered basics in a bowl, accepts and and then feeds some nuts to a (look for it) infant elephant in the living room. Elated by the taste of the basics it then proceeds on a binge.

Michael Mangum on July 28, 2018:

In that location is a commercial chosen Final Burying Insurance that shows upwards on ME Television after 1am every evening(or morning). They play it multiple times an hour per episode until daylight on this station. Information technology begins by asking if you are between the ages of 50-80, then listen to their message. And in specially bright colors, you are served a picture of a funeral tent located at a burial site with a casket draped with funeral flowers. Particularly annoying to me, considering my married woman is crippled and under the care of hospice at dwelling and this is her favorite station to watch considering of the archetype television set shows. She sleeps during most of the day so she is usually wide awake during the dark and after midnight when this commercial is shown so excessively and she is physically unable to modify the station when it comes on. If I am in another room, I nuance into the bedchamber and alter the channel until information technology is over when I hear information technology begin to start. On boilerplate, it is played 2-3 times per hour from 1-6am every dark on this station! Ghoulishly annoying, deliberate and downright insensitive!

Limpet. on July 23, 2018:

Surely the ad agencies have got to be aware they are only wasting their fourth dimension with inane exhortation to buy stuff. on July 21, 2018:

the commercials are dumber, because people are getting dumber and dumber. you lot play to y'all ahh D enc. golly

Limpet on July 20, 2018:

Here in 'merrie olde England the sponsors it seems don't fifty-fifty recruit

talent who fit the part for whatever they are advertising. Dim wit male actors / actress'due south who appear vague and clueless, children acting precoscious and women constantly putting males in their identify. Not exactly the existent world.

Limpet on July eighteen, 2018:

Hither in 'merrie olde England', when you own a television set up a viewer

licence is required (discounted for the elderly). This is to encompass the cost of running the British Broadcasting Commission then consequently we don't get annoying adverts watching their network.

none on July 03, 2018:

I hate commericals also and they take their annoyances but you have problems man. Taking also much time to practise this shit.

Jedi Fish on July 01, 2018:

ane) I find the Peloton commercials annoying. They're always plugging the NY studio. Give information technology up for NY's best instructors? People don't need NY instructors to go a skilful workout.

ii) Liberty Mutual

3) GEICO - What is with the old guy with white hair?

four) Progressive with Flo

Billy Maze Here on June 23, 2018:

If I hear, (I...HAD...The time of my life...and I practice it all again (do it all again)) Sandals comercial one more time I'one thousand gonna shoot myself in the face!

yvonne on June 06, 2018:

AAA Insurance commercials over and over once more no change.

The i I hate has a immature couple and she said "when you're trying to heighten a family" she has a voice that makes y'all want to run screaming out of the room.

AAA drib her.

Voice O'Reason on June 04, 2018:

1.Cars for kids commercial

two.Any Geico lizard commercial

3.Progressive commercial with "Flo"

iv Trivaggo xguy commercials

v.Sprint Guy "Paul"

Debbie on May 28, 2018:

What commercial says

"I want to eat you correct now"

torontolive on May 17, 2018:

At that place are then many. I which I experience is hypocritical is the Slim Fast commercials where random fit people who've never been fatty are shaking their buns, thighs and abs in front of the camera with a Slim Fast product in their hands. Why don't they utilize the people from the 600-pound life bear witness and have these people who counterbalance 600 pounds shake their buns, thighs and bellies while holding a SlimFast product and I don't know; show them a year subsequently so we can come across their success?

Almost every advertisement now seems to be targeted to an adult with a 9th grade level of intellectual performance and perhaps a 7th grade emotional level because these ads use anything - especially the ones that use bells, buzzers, cell phones vibrating/ringing - anything to go you to look up and at the Tv. And I really think the worst of the lot - the insurance ads, the soul-sucking drug ads, and I've also about had it with the shuddering animals neglect ads too...information technology's almost as if they desire to tug your emotions or be as bad every bit possible in club to get you to react somehow.

Allstate...gieco commercials on May 04, 2018:

Someone actually gets paid to come up wilth the almost annoying and obnoxious commercials!! Thank goodness for the mutee button! Hey Allstate..... gieco....y'all suck beyond words! I volition never purchase your insurance!!

Gadfly on May 02, 2018:

All of them.

Yvonne Dickson on April 30, 2018:

All chaser and insurance commercials stink

Ian Stuart Robertson from London England on March 21, 2018:

I don't like the rash of T.V. adverts featuring Hollywood actor Robert de Niro flogging insurance. No reflection on the human being himself but the company's hard sell, sounds far too 'maffiosi'.

Sharon Steffan on March 20, 2018:

The inspired closets commercial is like nails on a chalk board!!!! I have written the visitor and Hulu who airs it and begged them to take it off!

michael ii on March 15, 2018:

A fine example is the anti smoking ads that bear witness second hand smoke not dissipating and viciously, purposely attacking a babe or child. Straight to their faces! Reminds me of a Star Expedition episode of a cloud monster that kills.

It'south pure propaganda! And so how is it I survived through the 50'south, lx'due south and lxx's with good lungs (I never smoked). Also, I am a career automobile mechanic that'south exposed to far worse than cigarette fume.

michael on March 15, 2018:

No mention of the e Trade ads! Their message: if you are not rich, you are a putz!(or stupid). Or, if you are missing out on the high life, it'south considering you didn't brand Way TOO MUCH money!

I personally notice this attitude very insulting to the vast majority of usa that "struggle" to survive, nether 100k/year!

j wolfe on March 10, 2018:

commercials that are so annoying is based on if i will buy the production. the pizza commercial were the tree falls on the auto, or the peter pan child that is rude and disrespectful is an insurance commercial, that do not get my dollars.

Robb P on March 09, 2018:

Insurance ads are so stupid it makes me experience stupid to have insurance. I dropped Allstate and later on Farmers because I didn't want to be a office of the target demograph (morons) and am now with a visitor that doesn't annunciate.

Same goes for fast nutrient. Thanks idiotic marketing fools, your zeal for attracting dolts has driven me to a healthy diet of habitation cooked food. When I do venture out for a burger or burrito, I hit one of the thousands of family unit owned, one off places. By the way, to anyone who is considering trying some pocket-size place burger articulation, become the house themed burger.

I also won't be badda booking any vacations, I can always detect online a bed and breakfast most whatever ski resort I desire to explore. And, since I'1000 not addicted of being felt up past some jerk who thinks my keys are weapons, I drive my 1999 used Camery (bought through private sale) and bring my dogs along.

Speaking of dogs, I take dumb ads to thank for inspiring me to melt for my best friends, and they get real cheese for rewards and treats.

Dumd ads fifty-fifty drove me to drib cablevision without considering whatever other sevice. I bought 1 of those long range antennas for less than one months rate and have just a hand total of steaming channels, that I actuaĺly wanted!

I could continue

Writing this has given me a new appreciation though. Marketing seems to be directed at fools, and therefor steers me away from foolish things. I am healthier, wealthier and happier for information technology.

Thank you lot moronic marketers, thanks!

Corve Bribe on March 08, 2018:

Kyleena commecial is so annoying! It presents females is a negative light. The idiotic faces the females make are suggesting females are that stupid that they forget their pills. The homo at the end of the commercial is looking at the female as if to say " aye, I'd tap that". I really turn to another channel when this commercial come on.

Lane on February 19, 2018:

Wow I had forgotten almost the beggin strips commercial and how much I hated information technology

Matt on February fifteen, 2018:

TO me the most abrasive commerials are

JG Wentworth ads

the most boring are

donate coin ads

drug ads

Pat on February 08, 2018:

The eczema add, maxim its okay, if okay why do you keep putting on the add at to the lowest degree fifteen times a mean solar day! The other is bleeding gums tooth ad, always comes on during dejeuner time before I can hit mute in No Calif. They should check times zones so repulsive ads don't come on during meal times..

Acecase on February 05, 2018:

LIBERTY Mutual......Where exercise they come up with all the money running commercials every 30 minutes? Um......

They get the everyman bidder to fix your auto, and they don't have the bests rates. And what does the Statue Of Liberty have to practice with anything?

Avoid at all cost, coming from personal experience!

NY Guy on February 05, 2018:

If I have to hear the Kars4Kids jingle again, I'm going to bound. Nosotros get it; you'll have annihilation from "Kars" to used napkins as a donation for tax write-off. Stop SINGING ABOUT IT

SapphireStorm on January 30, 2018:

First-class~ and so funny!

I am currently annoyed by the commercials on Hulu. The ones with Courtney (the cutsie, hey now girl, into cultural diversity and get and find her!), and Brian and whoever where Brian seems like a grifter and the woman is oblivious. Why can't these companies become it right!

Billy on Jan 27, 2018:

The Full general commercials

Malcolm Nighttime on January 20, 2018:

Y'all're doing Gods work here sis. Proceed it up and keep on putting these atrocious advertisements in their place where they belong. The garbage.

steve on Jan 17, 2018:

do any of you really think that their animal has a soul every bit stated in the blueish diamond dog nutrient commercial have we really sunk that depression trying to sell a production. May God forgive us

steve on January 17, 2018:

Kentucky fried craven has sunk to a new depression with their spokesmen. they are horrible. Sonic has shown they cannot come upwardly with annihilation original they simply keep beating a dead horse with those ii guys in the auto. both the Sonic and Kentucky fried have given me strength to laissez passer past their places and spend my money elsewhere

Morgan on Jan 11, 2018:

I actually rather...gasp...enjoy the Charmin bears. What? I think they're cute and hysterical, perchance in an ironic style. Delight don't kill me. :P

The worst has GOT to be that ad for the TBS sitcom "The Detour." You know.... "It's fun being weird, it'southward fun being weird...." That really and truly kept me upwardly at night when it got stuck in my head. And that talking box from Progressive is x times worse than Flo will ever be. Finally...don't forget puppy monkey baby.

Rick on January 06, 2018:

I beloved the hopper commercial. I accept relatives in Boston and it's only like them and my family. Y'all don't need to be in the same room to talk. And the hopper is a place where y'all tin can access tv shows recorded all over the house.

Information technology's a funny commercial

Hacksaw Williams on January 06, 2018:

The most used button on our remote is the mute push button. It is a contest between me and my wife who can mute Jack In The Box screaming adult female commercial the fastest. The van crashing into stores is pathetic at best. Because of that commercial, we don't go to Jacks.

me on December 14, 2017:

I would similar to see catamenia drive off a cliff and never be seen again on December 03, 2017:

The car ads that shame a neighbor for not being able to buy a machine for christmas

Bizbuyer on November 13, 2017:

I have rented on boilerplate around 20 times a twelvemonth over the past 30 years. National was ane of my choices when price and convenience reigned. Since the first of the current obnoxious TV ads I have stopped completely booking them and will so until the stupidity ends.

Flash Gordon on November 07, 2017:

Always hated that MyPillow commerical that drives me insane! The phony new day united states commerical where they are showing a picture of themselves. Fox news shows this commerical three times within the aforementioned hour! Would also have to say the Sonic commerical where the ii gay guys always sitting in the machine. The commerical where the blad headed guy is talking. The old Empire Commerical is still on later on all these years 588-2300-EMPIRE! Another thing I have detect some of these networks will show the same old again every year around the same time. Information technology never ends! Simply the worst commerical out of all of them is the MyPillow commerical is on my top ten list!

The flowwing commericals listed below suck! on November 07, 2017:

Always hated that MyPillow commerical that drives me insane! The phony new day united states of america commerical where they are showing a picture show of themselves. Fox news shows this commerical iii times within the same hour! Would besides have to say the Sonic commerical where the 2 gay guys always sitting in the car. The commerical where the blad headed guy is talking. The old Empire Commerical is even so on after all these years 588-2300-EMPIRE! Another thing I accept notice some of these networks will prove the aforementioned old once more every yr around the same time. It never ends! Merely the worst commerical out of all of them is the MyPillow commerical is on my acme ten list!

Diana Thousand Pratt on October 26, 2017:

AAA auto insurance has a person so abrasive that I take to mute the advertizing. Please cut the whiny woman who is "....trying to raise a family...." You either are or y'all are not raising a family! She makes my claret eddy.

Dale rice on Oct 24, 2017:

Footling Ceasers #1 dad ad is worst I've seen showing kids to disrespect parents

Sarah on October 12, 2017:

Stupid football commercial


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