When You Stop Seeing Regular Roaches but See Baby Ones

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Opiniones destacadas de los Estados Unidos

Calificado en Estados Unidos el 22 de agosto de 2016

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My only regret is that the roaches can't feel my hate.

Calificado en Estados Unidos el 31 de diciembre de 2019

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they are so EFFECTIVE!!
After one night about a hundred died near the bait

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5.0 de 5 estrellas Buy it
Por AmazonUser5726 el 31 de diciembre de 2019

they are so EFFECTIVE!!
After one night about a hundred died near the bait

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Calificado en Estados Unidos el 1 de diciembre de 2017

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Seems like a pretty good roach killer.

I was lucky enough to grow up without roaches, so when I moved into a place that had them, I didn't know what to do. After some research I went with these and I've mostly been pleased. The bait stations are small enough to put in most places and be out of the way. If you have a pet they may sniff at them, but our dog left them alone aside from that (though of course every pet is different). I detected no obvious smell from these traps, so they won't stink up your home. Most importantly, these bait stations really do work. After putting them down all over our home I began to notice roach bodies in corners. Over time we stopped seeing any roaches. While I have no way of proving that this product killed all of them, we saw a number of dead roaches and stopped seeing live ones, so there seems to be a pretty strong connection between that and this product.

I would offer two caveats about this product. First, it is expensive. One box won't cost much, nor will two, but if you are trying to effectively cover your whole home in them, the price can add up. I think it is worth it, but be aware that buying enough boxes to blanket your home in them is pricey (especially if you place them only 1.5 feet apart as the company recommends). Second, you have to be patient with their use. I didn't notice results overnight. Give it a few days and, even when you see results, keep the bait traps down for at least several weeks to ensure that you've gotten them all (I didn't leave mine down the whole year as I had them out in the open as well as hidden).

Overall I was quite pleased with this product and would buy it again. Go ahead and give this roach killer a chance.

Calificado en Estados Unidos el 5 de junio de 2019

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I was worried about finding some bugs in my apartment since my lease is about to be up.. turns out my front door has a gap big enough for roaches to crawl in. Since I installed these traps, I have noticed at least 5-6 roaches a day, very much alive, crawling around my apartment. Before I purchased this, I would maybe see 1 or 2 every couple of months.

I also bought a flea trap (listed above- I'm really not trying to lose my deposit lol) and it works amazingly for all types of small-medium bugs. I have only had them in place for about four days and while it isn't sticky enough to stick a large cockroach, I noticed a thorax of one that had been caught in the sticky, so it's enough to fatally harm them.

What's worse is that I had these little roach traps by the door of my apartment, and while I was sitting on the patio, I saw a little raccoon pick it up and try to eat it :( So if anything, they're attractive to animals and HIGHLY attractive to roaches. Buy the little flea trap instead!!!!!

Calificado en Estados Unidos el 24 de septiembre de 2018

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Back in the 70's and 80's, we had so many apartment roaches that I would have nightmares about them crawling up the walls. Back then, all we had to "combat" them were toxic, smelly exterminator spray, Raid, roach "bombs," and boric acid powder (the b.a. powder is pathetic). Combat works much better than all those and is much safer. The roaches crawl in, eat the bait, it sticks to their legs, and they take it back to their nest.

I will put the 18 trays per box in different areas of the kitchen and bathroom, and will typically not see roaches for a long time after that. Usually I won't see a roach for more than 12 months actually, maybe even 2-3 years. So I get cheap and don't buy a new box until I start seeing the disgusting critters again, which could be awhile (like right now).

I would give these 5 stars except that I think they are a bit expensive - IMO we should get at least 25-30 trays for $8-$10. However, they do work, so it is a good investment if you have a roach problem.

Calificado en Estados Unidos el 14 de junio de 2018

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I have been using these for years with great outcome no roaches. I place 1 Hotel on every shelf in my kitchen alternating from shelf to Shelf the corners they go in. I actually place some double-sided foam tape on the back so I can stick them on the side of each shelf wall. For the rest of my house I dust lightly with DE. I do this every spring and absolutely have no live bugs only ones laying on their backs!

Calificado en Estados Unidos el 14 de enero de 2019

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I've tried ALL kinds of things for this disgusting problem. Gel baits used once and then they were immune, commercial sprays stink and only work for a while, Essential oils work, but usually only on contact. Sticky traps work, but DO not touch them or let your pets get stuck in them. THEN I found these and immediately placed them as instructed. Immediately, I saw those pests start heading in. I found more carcasses than I had ever seen with any other pesticide. Instant results and far less to NO motion when the lights are turned on at night. I could not be happier with the results! I have no clue as to what is inside, but whatever it is WORKS! Be careful though, I have noticed that my dog is also attracted to the bait inside. Keep them far away from pets and as instructed, do not let them play with the stations.

Calificado en Estados Unidos el 20 de julio de 2016

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I purchased this as a warehouse "open-box" deal. I did not analyze it closely upon arrival, but noticed it had the "INSPECTED" sticker from Amazon on the packaging. I didn't need the traps yet, but this week I opened the whole delivery. It was a mix of different orders, and the only box from Warehouse Deals was in fact a rip-off. The box was glued shut and, upon opening, was full of brown paper. There were no cockroach bait units in the package. Unfortunately, because my order was not for immediate use, I already passed the return date by the time I noticed the scam. My suggestion would be to avoid Amazon Warehouse merely for the chance that you, too, will receive a box of brown paper.

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1.0 de 5 estrellas I purchased this as a warehouse "open-box" deal. I ...
Por LC el 20 de julio de 2016

I purchased this as a warehouse "open-box" deal. I did not analyze it closely upon arrival, but noticed it had the "INSPECTED" sticker from Amazon on the packaging. I didn't need the traps yet, but this week I opened the whole delivery. It was a mix of different orders, and the only box from Warehouse Deals was in fact a rip-off. The box was glued shut and, upon opening, was full of brown paper. There were no cockroach bait units in the package. Unfortunately, because my order was not for immediate use, I already passed the return date by the time I noticed the scam. My suggestion would be to avoid Amazon Warehouse merely for the chance that you, too, will receive a box of brown paper.

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Opiniones más destacadas de otros países

5.0 de 5 estrellas Best Best product ever

Calificado en el Reino Unido el 19 de julio de 2018

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Best Best product ever. And I am a tough customer. I had a terrible infestation of cockroaches I live in a flat and they were initially contained in the kitchen but started venturing out into the rest of the flat I actually had one crawling in my bed it was all dire. Anyway, did some research, as my last resort before I called n the exterminators and found this product from the US. I received the parcel last week Monday at work, put the baits out as soon as I got home in the kitchen and other areas that had the roaches, by the end of the same night they started dropping like flies. This continued into Tuesday and Wednesday and Thursday by the weekend of that week didn't find one crawling around not one and a week on from this have not seen any since. Brilliant. Please buy worth every single penny.

5.0 de 5 estrellas Excellent roach killer.

Calificado en el Reino Unido el 3 de septiembre de 2020

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Used it. Worked a treat - but read on..... Done time ago I Started finding roaches around the kitchen. I cleaned extra carefully and tried the lemon and vinegar suggested to keep them away....no joy. Got pest control in. They sprayed and it seemed to work. A week later I found a couple of roaches had moved from kitchen area and were roaming elsewhere. Called in pest control for second treatment. Sprayed more places. Worked for 5/6 weeks but then they were back. Used this product and started finding dead roaches. Called pest control to complain -"they're sometimes in the walls where we can't get at them." I kept finding dead roaches but never live ones. Then they stopped showing up dead or alive. I stupidly threw the bait traps away after a month and a half of no roaches. A month later I find one and kill it. Couple of days later another and that too. Nothing for a bit. But today did a big messy cook up and that attracted 3 that I killed by squashing them. After cooking and a thorough paranoid clean with bleach too I ate and went for a shower. Returned to do the dishes and found another 3 by the dirty dishes in the sink. I'm reordering. And keeping the traps out for the full 12 months.

5.0 de 5 estrellas Great product

Calificado en el Reino Unido el 7 de noviembre de 2019

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I have used this for over a week now and I can honestly say it has made a massive difference, it does work!!!

5.0 de 5 estrellas It's actually very effective

Calificado en el Reino Unido el 19 de noviembre de 2019

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I was expecting results... But not so quickly
Within three days all cock roaches have disappeared... And its supposed to be active for a year... Brilliant

5.0 de 5 estrellas Working

Calificado en el Reino Unido el 26 de mayo de 2020

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Had roaches coming from my back garden. Placed this product in my kitchen and in my back garden (hidden innthe shelves) haven't seen any roaches since then

When You Stop Seeing Regular Roaches but See Baby Ones

Source: https://www.amazon.com/Combat-Month-Roach-Killing-Station/dp/B000KL1LDE

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